Software Developer @ 2010-Current
- Implemented automated installation, automated configuration management (Puppet), and automated monitoring (Icinga/Nagios) for all legacy webservers
- Developed and maintained internal and external websites
- Implemented IPv6 across all public webservers
- Implemented redundant, highly-available load balancer for customer-facing websites
- Developed automated OS provisioning system for rapid deployment and configuration of Windows and Linux systems
- Developed automated network provisioning system for new orders
- Developed automated provisoning and monitoring system for all managed PDUs within our datacenter
- Developed IPMI proxy/management system
- Integerated Gemini Cloudian S3 product into custom billing and management system
- Integrated internal billing system with ARIN's REST interface
- Planned deployment of worldwide OpenStack cluster
- Developed IPv6 tracking and management systems
- Developed automated server inventory system
- Maintained network monitoring and bandwidth tracking software
- Implemented Active Directory for globally distributed fleet of Windows 2003 and 2008R2 servers
- Developed custom FTP server to fit authentication and security needs
- Troubleshooted issues deploying game server software on a global scale
- Implemented Games For Windows Live dedicated servers
- Planned Microsoft XLSP deployment for AAA Title
- Developed DDOS tracking system
- Developed per-country traffic tracking based on NetFlow data
- Conducted security audits on all supporting infrastructure
- Developed custom software deployment system to decrease the amount of support tickets opened
- Developed wrapper service to increase reliablity and manageability of game server software
Technical Support @ 2007-2010
- Managed customer complaints and requests for their rented servers
- Developed FAQ system to reduce number of similar customer questions and provide quicker support
- Designed and implemented custom CDN product
Software Developer @ Antares Computing 2004-2006
- Developed custom MSSQL backend software for various school districts and professional organizations
- Developed custom data migration scripts from VAX/VMS and other legacy systems
Miscellaneous Projects
- Developed automatic updater for Natural Selection 2
- Developed web interface for Natural Selection 2 dedicated servers
- Developed global server monitor for Natural Selection 2 dedicated servers